Molton core tunnel
Molton core tunnel

molton core tunnel

This is because Mars has no active molten core, and therefore no magnetosphere to repel cosmic rays and solar winds.

molton core tunnel

Radiation is going to be a big concern for long term settlements on Mars - exposure to radiation from the sun is about 40 to 50 times greater on the surface of Mars compared to the surface of Earth. What’s going to happen to that giant dome the first time that an 8 kilometer high cloud of electrostatic dust rolls through? Who’s gonna clean it? The reality of life on Mars will require significant protection from the elements - that means radiation, micro meteorites, atmospheric exposure and dust storms. That looks great in renderings, but when it comes to practicality, the giant domes are by far the worst idea. Because we’re all going to live under awesome, sci-fi bubble domes, right? Not so much. We can start off with the reasons why we would even want to dig tunnels on Mars. So let’s talk about Boring tunnels on Mars. And that’s a shame because it’s really fun to imagine the future connection between what is happening right here on Earth, under the streets of Las Vegas, with what could someday become the first human settlement on an extra terrestrial world. But still, this remains a subject that doesn’t get much airtime as a serious discussion. Most people would probably assume that Elon is going to try and launch one of these boring machines into space at some point. OK, fair enough, it’s not exactly an Earth shattering revelation or even a significant stretch of the imagination. What if I told you that the real reason that Elon Musk started the Boring Company was to develop a next generation tunnel boring machine to deploy on the planet Mars and construct his own underground Martian city? Almost like the perfect cover story for developing a secret technology, hidden in plain sight. OK, so we all know the official story about Elon Musk inventing the Boring Company while stuck in California traffic and deciding he was going to build a tunnel boring machine and just start digging.

Molton core tunnel